Digital Platforms: A Brief Introduction – BMC Software Blogs

In business enterprise terms, a digital platform can be thought of as the sum total of a place for exchanges of information, goods, or services to occur between producers and consumers as well as the community that interacts with said platform. It’s imperative to understand that the community itself is an essential piece of the digital platform—without that community, the digital platform has very little inherent value.

We interact with digital platforms on a constant basis thanks to the success of the digital platform approach. Digital platforms take a lot of different forms depending on the business model they employ and the specific purposes they seek to serve. Examples of successful digital platforms are:

  • Social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and LinkedIn
  • Knowledge platforms like StackOverflow, Quora, and Yahoo! Answers
  • Media sharing platforms like YouTube, Spotify, and Vimeo
  • Service-oriented platforms like Uber, Airbnb, and GrubHub

As you can see, digital platforms are by no means a new approach nor are they narrowly used in terms of their particular use cases. Digital platforms provide value to everyone within the ecosystem of the platform while turning a profit for the organization that created and maintains it through various business models, such as:

  • Advertising
  • Subscriptions
  • Pay as you go
  • Any combination of these and other profit-turning methods

Components of digital platforms

Another way to describe digital platforms is by talking about the essential pieces necessary to create a successful digital platform. The key aspects of a digital platform are:

  • Ease of use and immediate appeal for users
  • Trustworthiness and security (clear terms and conditions are necessary as well as privacy protection and assurances for intellectual property and data ownership)
  • Connectivity through the use of APIs that allow 3rd parties to extend the ecosystem of the platform and its capabilities
  • Facilitation of exchanges between users (producers and consumers)
  • Providing value to the community and as a function of the size of the community (the bigger the community, the more value the platform can provide to all parties involved)
  • Ability to scale without causing performance degradation

Digital transformations look different for each company because every organization has different goals in mind, but a tangible goal to seek through digital transformation is the creation of a digital platform. While there is no shortage of digital platforms, there is still plenty of room for innovation and niche services that have audiences waiting for the day when their needs are finally met.

Creating a digital platform

Many digital platforms compete for similar audiences but leverage their competitive advantages and unique aspects to reach their particular audience as they seek to grow. Certainly some digital platforms like Facebook and YouTube have a chokehold on the largest portions of market share. But these are by no means fixed on their seats of power as new competitors vie for domination.

Importantly, unseating the giants at the table isn’t a necessary step for finding your own success.

Creating a digital platform for your organization will provide you with a competitive advantage over your rivals by ensuring you service your niche with the massive value proposition of not only the services, but also your platform’s community. A successful digital platform performs two key functions:

  • Facilitates exchanges of goods, services, or information
  • Leverages the community to provide enhanced value to everyone within the ecosystem

Embracing digital transformation by empowering your organization to challenge the status quo and experiment without fear of failure is essential for innovation that will allow you to carve out your own niche. Creating a powerful digital platform that provides ease of use, trustworthy transactions, and protections for users from bad actors on the platform is a delicate balancing act that has the ability to provide incredible levels of success for those who can manage it.

  • BMC Business of IT Blog
  • BMC Service Management Blog
  • Digital Transformation Metrics & KPIs for Measuring Success
  • Digital Transformation Trends for 2021
  • What Is Digital Service Management? A Must for ITSM
  • What Is the Platform Economy?

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    #Article TitleKeywordArticle LinkArticle Details

    How to Launch Your Digital Platform The ubiquity of internet access has caused a sharp rise in the number of businesses offering platforms that connect users for communication or commerce. Entrepreneurs are particularly drawn to these platforms because they create significant value and have modest operating costs and network effects protect their position once established—users rarely leave a vibrant platform. But these businesses also raise significant start-up challenges. Every platform starts out empty. Platforms need to immediately attract not only many users but multiple types of users. For example it’s not enough that many customers want to book taxis by smartphone. Drivers must also be willing to accept smartphone bookings. Harvard Business School professor Ben Edelman has been studying the dynamics of platform businesses and strategies for launching them for 10 years. In this article he draws on research on dozens of platform sites and products to offer a framework for building a successful platform business. It involves asking five basic questions: Can I attract a large group of users at once? Can I offer stand-alone value to users? How can I build credibility with customers? How should I charge users? Should my platform be compatible with legacy systems? HBR Reprint R1504H

    In business enterprise terms, a digital platform can be thought of as the sum total of a place for exchanges of information, goods, or services to occur between producers and consumers as well as the community that interacts with said platform. It’s imperative to understand that the community itself is an essential piece of the digital platform—without that community, the digital platform has very little inherent value. We interact with digital platforms on a constant basis thanks to the success of the digital platform approach.


    Quantifying social organization and political polarization in online platforms Nature Mass selection into groups of like-minded individuals may be fragmenting and polarizing online society particularly with respect to partisan differences1–4. However our ability to measure the social makeup of online communities and in turn to understand the social organization of online platforms is limited by the pseudonymous unstructured and large-scale nature of digital discussion. Here we develop a neural-embedding methodology to quantify the positioning of online communities along social dimensions by leveraging large-scale patterns of aggregate behaviour. Applying our methodology to 5.1 billion comments made in 10000 communities over 14 years on Reddit we measure how the macroscale community structure is organized with respect to age gender and US political partisanship. Examining political content we find that Reddit underwent a significant polarization event around the 2016 US presidential election. Contrary to conventional wisdom however individual-level polarization is rare; the system-level shift in 2016 was disproportionately driven by the arrival of new users. Political polarization on Reddit is unrelated to previous activity on the platform and is instead temporally aligned with external events. We also observe a stark ideological asymmetry with the sharp increase in polarization in 2016 being entirely attributable to changes in right-wing activity. This methodology is broadly applicable to the study of online interaction and our findings have implications for the design of online platforms understanding the social contexts of online behaviour and quantifying the dynamics and mechanisms of online polarization. A new method quantifies the social makeup of online communities and applying it to 14 years of commenting patterns on Reddit shows increased polarization in 2016 driven by new users to the platform.

    In business enterprise terms, a digital platform can be thought of as the sum total of a place for exchanges of information, goods, or services to occur between producers and consumers as well as the community that interacts with said platform. It’s imperative to understand that the community itself is an essential piece of the digital platform—without that community, the digital platform has very little inherent value. We interact with digital platforms on a constant basis thanks to the success of the digital platform approach.


    It’s on Digital Platforms to Make the Internet a Better Place For years users of digital technology have had the sole responsibility to navigate misinformation negativity privacy risk and digital abuse to name a few. But maintaining digital well-being is a heavy weight to be put on an individual’s shoulders. What if we didn’t have to carry quite as much of the burden of maintaining our digital well-being? What if we expected a bit more of the digital platform providers that hosted our virtual interactions? There are three key responsibilities we should expect of all of our digital platform providers to help make more positive digital spaces. First establish meaningful norms and standards for participation in virtual spaces — and communicate them clearly to users. Second verify human users and weed out the bots. Third improve content curation by addressing posts that incite racism violence or illegal activity; identifying misinformation; and encouraging users to be content moderators.

    In business enterprise terms, a digital platform can be thought of as the sum total of a place for exchanges of information, goods, or services to occur between producers and consumers as well as the community that interacts with said platform. It’s imperative to understand that the community itself is an essential piece of the digital platform—without that community, the digital platform has very little inherent value. We interact with digital platforms on a constant basis thanks to the success of the digital platform approach.

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